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Subject: Welc0me evryb0dy!!!
Replies: 28 Views: 565

adlims40 28.10.09 - 07:46pm
Pls do intr0duce ourselves to kn0w hu we are..tanx.. *

amisexy 28.10.09 - 08:16pm
hi dear...m sanju 4m india..i feel gr8 coz 1 of my gud frnd creat this group...thanks adi...u r so sweethope here we njoy so much...respect and love each othes... *

adlims40 28.10.09 - 08:21pm
Hi sanju..tanx s0 much..h0pe nd pray dis grp wil creates gud frenshp relati0nshp to al of us..GDBLES OL OF US. *

redace 28.10.09 - 08:22pm
im red,just call me red or pula in other words of red,hehe,anyway hi-way by the way,ma friend invite me to join in her groups thats why ive joined hehe,lil bit laugh,thank u for joining me here.funny.GIF aww yeah *

adlims40 28.10.09 - 08:29pm
By d way..hi to all..im milda but all my frens knew me as emy so i created my owned gr0up titled EMY..IM FR.PHILIPINES..40Y.0. Nd marid Wid 4gr0wn up chldren..im w0rkin ere in srael as caregiver.. *

adlims40 28.10.09 - 08:32pm
dance.GIFyehehe big br0ther red is ere..tanx kuya. *

amisexy 28.10.09 - 08:37pm
hi milda thank u so much 4 create a grup and invite me as a member...bdw emy is a nice name 4 our group...thanx again..hope we meet and chat wid some gud frnds... ;-) *

frank46 29.10.09 - 06:30am
Emy,r u happi now...? U no wot u did saw wrog,ryt..? C u soon. *

saibi 29.10.09 - 06:58pm
its saibi ere
nd anty knws wt ma nick is :p *

adlims40 29.10.09 - 07:37pm
Welc*m ol of u.nd tanx 4 j0inin..yeah i knew saibi as s*xy b0y.. *

dmichael 29.10.09 - 08:31pm
Hi,am david 4rm Tanzania.am vry hapi 2be invited here nd it my pleasure 2mit u.i lov u all *

raym09 29.10.09 - 08:52pm
Hello..glad to be part of tis grp..l0ve yah all. *

adlims40 4.11.09 - 12:00pm
welcome.GIF..tanx to all 4 j0inin ere..pls parti te in all activities here.. *

sime5 20.11.09 - 08:46pm
hi4.GIFto all.glad to be here. *

noor70 21.11.09 - 06:43pm
me Mohmad frm the holyland palestine . thanx frnd 4 the invitation. *

adlims40 21.11.09 - 10:29pm
welcome.GIF sime5 nd m0hmad..tanx 4 j0inin.. *

adlims40 30.11.09 - 04:07am
hug.GIFwana say tanx to all my new gr0upmates..so glad..happy.GIF *

adlims40 10.12.09 - 05:14am
NEW MEMBERS,HI TO ALL OF U..Wana say tanx..hug.GIF..feel free to p0st t0pics nd upl0d ur pics or any files.. *

adlims40 10.12.09 - 05:16am
Pls if p0sible kindly say s0mething b0ut urself.. *

libramcm 12.12.09 - 12:49pm
hello2.GIFglad to be here..hug.GIF *

laptoppc 15.12.09 - 07:30pm
hi . . .i m laptoppc.Frm Pakistan oh i m not machine dear i m human.Adim u r so nice person .if u r here no problem anywhere.hahaha tanx. *

adlims40 15.12.09 - 08:28pm
My ever dearest fren yasir lapt0p pc.tanx 4 dat n0sebleed c0ments t0wards me.l0l.u'r such a nyc guy to0.u r alwez there wenever i ask help.u knew dat..u r alwez there to supp0rt me wenever i av t0pic on f0rum.kip it up.haha.u r much welc*m in dis grp.hug.GIF *

adlims40 15.12.09 - 08:36pm
Lapt0p,pls send me lapt0p,i lyk dat.haha.remmbrd d 1st tym we met,u had a l0t of questi0ns,nd i thnk i had answerd it wel espcialy r t0pic wat cmes 1st egg or hen..tease.GIF.. *

gentle34 7.01.10 - 09:04am
Hi! Im Rajesh frm india. Im married n hv 3kids. Nice 2 b here. Hope u guys like me being ere. *

adlims40 7.01.10 - 11:12am
U r much welc0me gentlehug.GIF..very glad u lyk dis gr0up..realy admired sum1 lyk u admitted that u r marid with 3kids..rare of a kind.GBU ND UR FMILY AS WEL.. *

mombasa9 8.01.10 - 06:39am
Hi. Am sood from kenya.40yrs. Three kids two boyz one girl am glad to join this group. I like making new friends the world over. Much love. *

gentle34 8.01.10 - 06:58am
Thanx fren. I believ only that relation prospers dat is based on truth. So 2 gt tru frns i spk da truth *

adlims40 8.01.10 - 12:36pm
M0mbasa-s0d,welcome.GIF..thank y0u fren.. *

adlims40 8.01.10 - 12:38pm
Gentle my fren,right.GIFkip it up.GDBLES. *

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