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Subject: Valentine Day
Replies: 4 Views: 211

complone 11.02.10 - 08:59pm
Its a big day to lovers when they do different things. I was born on this day and i celebrate both, i travel to places where ive never been and making new pals. On top of that i exchange things with other people. If we want this day to be meaniful, lets know the true meaning of VALENTINE DAY. *

adlims40 12.02.10 - 04:16am
So wer wil u travel on ur day nd hearts day as wel?wat c0untry or place?nd why?let evryb0dy kn0w then. *

adlims40 12.02.10 - 04:22am
All i cn say is Happy Valentines to all..n0 c0mment..c0z im n0t inlv..l0l..blossom.GIF *

adlims40 12.02.10 - 04:29am
HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY...wish u al d best.gud health nd G0dbles..hurray.GIFbl0w out frend.. *

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