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Subject: Tagal0g or filipin0 language
Replies: 23 Views: 863

adlims40 10.02.10 - 12:58pm
If anyb0dy wants to learn?leave 0r ask any nd im willing to teach all of u..welcome.GIF *

sime5 11.02.10 - 02:39am
What is friend in tagal0g? *

sime5 11.02.10 - 02:40am
and also (take cre) *

adlims40 11.02.10 - 02:46am
friend is kaibigan..tek cre is mag-ingat or just say ingat. *

complone 11.02.10 - 07:14pm
How do call phone? *

complone 11.02.10 - 07:18pm
How do u say friend in tagalog? *

complone 11.02.10 - 07:19pm
How do call phone? *

adlims40 11.02.10 - 08:05pm
Friend in tagal0g i already answrd dat to sime5 questi0n. *

adlims40 11.02.10 - 08:09pm
H0w do call ph0ne?..paano pagtawag sa telepon0? *

gentle34 13.02.10 - 06:41am
How u say 'i like u' and 'i luv u' *

gentle34 13.02.10 - 06:43am
N hw to say 'i m sori' *

adlims40 14.02.10 - 04:45pm
i like u is gusto kita..i lve u is mahal kita.. *

adlims40 14.02.10 - 04:46pm
Im s0ri is patawarin mo ako.. *

gentle34 15.02.10 - 05:36am
Thanx my fren. Gusto kita! *

adlims40 15.02.10 - 08:15am
hehe.GIFu welc0me.u cn ask m0re f u wana. *

gentle34 16.02.10 - 07:05am
Hw u say 'how r u' , 'i m fine'. N wat u call brother n sister *

adlims40 16.02.10 - 08:49am
H0w r u is kumusta ka..IM Fine is ayos lang ako or mabuti ako..BR0THER is kuya(if older than u)..kapatid na lalake(if y0unger than u...SISTER is Ate(if older than u)..kapatid na babae(if y0unger than u).. *

adlims40 16.02.10 - 08:51am
U cn call me Ate nd i wil call u kuya.haha. *

gentle34 17.02.10 - 07:20am
Thats vry good. I'l call u Ate . Thnx 4 da enriching topic Ate! Mwah! *

adlims40 17.02.10 - 08:05am
U r welc0me kuya gentle.haha.kissing.GIFhehe. *

ariesmgl 18.02.10 - 06:14pm
Is there a grammar in tagalog? Like in english. *

adlims40 18.02.10 - 07:17pm
We used these w0rds in tagal0g as in english too..lyk okey,na(already),labyu,there are m0re i 4g0t..did i answerd it exactly wat uv askin? *

gentle34 25.02.10 - 07:49am
How 2 say 'u r vry beautiful' n 'u r vry s*xy' ;-) *

adlims40 26.02.10 - 10:29am
U r very beautiful is ikaw ay napakaganda..u r very s*xy is ikaw ay napakas*xy. *

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