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Subject: Races
Replies: 9 Views: 291

complone 12.01.10 - 08:54pm
why? *

adlims40 12.01.10 - 09:09pm
Wat do u want to p0int out here?pls further. *

unquiet1 16.01.10 - 07:57am
we all came from the same parents but over thousands of yrs our bodies changed and adapted to the conditions (climate, food, etc) of the area we live in. here in africa our skin got more pigment to protect from the severe african sun.

and, im not sure how true this is but depending on your features that were attractive that you had then, you and your family's genes would flourish. for example if 1 family had cute eyes like asians and many ppl found them attractive then there would be a more ppl with cute eyes and that family would grow and grow. if a family got a feature that no1 finds attractive then that family got very little chance of multiplying and after a thousand yrs or so, the family that most found attractive might make up the entire race. *

mombasa9 20.01.10 - 04:31am
All humans r equal in the eyes of God. The colour of a man is only skin deep. *

adlims40 22.01.10 - 05:47am
B0th of u anquitte nd m0mba are right..there's no educated 0r n0t,n0r p0or or rich,p0werful 0n earth or n0t c0z kn0wledge,wealth nd p0wer 0n earth cnt save us on Christ returns.. *

complone 3.02.10 - 08:08pm
We should only love one another as we are one.Other people discriminate and segregate,but why?. *

adlims40 4.02.10 - 03:39am
I thnk it dpends..4me i l0ve nd lyk all races as l0ng as they are gud to me to0..i jus lyk frens w0rldwide.dats all.. *

complone 5.02.10 - 09:11pm
Yo colour and my colour is different but we're one... *

complone 5.02.10 - 09:14pm
Thankx u dont hate other races like... *

adlims40 6.02.10 - 02:49am
Yeah we r one as big fmly in wap..br0thers 0r sisters nd frends.hug.GIF *

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