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Subject: C0NMEN!!!
Replies: 12 Views: 731

adlims40 11.01.10 - 06:01pm
Frens,tel sumtin b0ut a c0nmen is,nd do u blame them in their deeds?yes or n0.. why?gve p0sible ways 0n h0w they perf0rm it.. *

adlims40 12.01.10 - 03:30pm
wave.GIFHelo..pls dnt ign0re dis t0pic..glad to hear to each 0ne of u.. *

sime5 14.01.10 - 02:02am
Beware,many of them in tis wap..run.GIF *

raym09 14.01.10 - 02:06am
They make u inl0v and ask m0ney later..aftr they disappear!bad.thinking.GIF *

ray_ken9 14.01.10 - 02:11am
punish.GIF *

ray_ken9 14.01.10 - 02:12am
police.GIF *

libramcm 14.01.10 - 11:22am
I dnt blame them,its up to the pers0n f they wil gv c0nman a way to fo0l them!!hahaha.GIF *

unquiet1 16.01.10 - 08:06am
i almost got stung by conmen once. they said they were a job company that does import and export. they said they got branches in 25 countries and i can work in any of those countries. they said i must send my cv and my passport. then i sent both. then they said i have been selected to come to england for training. they would provide food and accommodation and pay for my flights and everything else. but i would 1st have to pay them 150dollars so that they can process my visa and do all the paperwork. *

unquiet1 16.01.10 - 08:10am
but their email address was company@yahoo.com i just laughed and i knew that it was a fake company because real companies dont use yahoo lol. and i looked at the form they gave me. i could see it was created at an internet cafe in london. and also the fone number my friend in the uk called the fone number for me it was a cellphone number instead of a office number. and the address of the office didnt exist lol. *

unquiet1 16.01.10 - 08:19am
so i just forwarded all their info to interpol. but another person without pc knowledge like i got wouldnt have been able to catch them out and would have been stung by the conmen. and they were at a very legitimate website for jobs. you just gotta be careful not to give money. if some1 says we got a job for you but 1st pay this small amount of money then tell them to go away. *

adlims40 16.01.10 - 07:11pm
right.GIFyes u absolutely right.dats the reason y i posted dis topic cos i'v met some of them.they offerd me work to uk as nanny.lol.im not ignorant.nd if ever i wana job to uk,i'll apply personally to d agency.frens in wap,surely real,but work thru wap?lol.better sleep..they wil nver fool me,but i wil nver blame them cos maybe they nid to earn for fmly's sake..godbless nd may enlighten them. *

complone 11.02.10 - 08:30pm
Conmen are bad, they think wrong, plan wrong and succeed well. *

adlims40 11.02.10 - 08:34pm
N0t at all tyms..wish c0nmen wil jus met nly me so they wil nvr succeed.l0l. *

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