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Subject: why man choose otherwoman if u
Replies: 16 Views: 494

nilmayur 14.12.09 - 02:46am
tell me *

adlims40 14.12.09 - 06:57am
Bec.he is n0t c0ntented to av only one,sumtyms they set race am0ng their frens wh0m wil be d best man to av plenty of otherw0man,m0st of tyms drunken man falls on wh0re at d pub,in other hand its a man's fling,sumtyms wife so gud en0ugh so huby taking advantage on it,sumtyms wife so busy wid her w0rk nd their chldrn so a man is unfair in dis case,the man dnt av cre,l0ve nd respect to his wife.M0st of all,a man dnt av fear to G0d.. *

laptoppc 15.12.09 - 07:04pm
when men forget his GOD and drink z root of sins. *

adlims40 15.12.09 - 08:41pm
Abs0lutely right.GIF fren yasir.. *

rahull38 4.01.10 - 09:33am
becoz she tired to eating routine food daily so she also want change nah..

adlims40 4.01.10 - 10:40am
hehe.GIFu hav p0int rahull my fren.bt dat s bad.hahaha. *

gentle34 7.01.10 - 08:42am
All ur points r valid n i totally agree wid these bt is only man at fault? Wat bout da other woman who entertains him in spite of knowing fully dat he has a wife n family? Doesnt she fear God? *

adlims40 7.01.10 - 11:07am
Tanx 4 ur reply gentle,in my case im a victim l0l.nd id overc0me thru my faith nd fear to G0d..maybe in other w0men,their regrets n0t to gv value on their mariage task as ideal wives or m0ther...f0r gud is n0t 4gud at al tyms n0r bad to bad.so sumtyms 0ne of the partner wil suffer..i thank u. *

mombasa9 8.01.10 - 06:53am
I dont support having many women. Especialy during this time when HIV/AIDS is around. Why risk ur life and the life of the ppl u love. What about the unborn child. Life is short. Fear GOD. Live responsibly blowkiss.GIF *

gentle34 8.01.10 - 07:12am
People ignore their kids n partner for momentary pleasure dat is very unfair. *

adlims40 8.01.10 - 12:44pm
M0mbasa dats great principle of u.nod.GIF *

adlims40 8.01.10 - 12:50pm
Yeah,gentle,h0w lucky r u fmly f0r havin u as gud huby nd dady c0z u valued much b0ut fmly matters...happy.GIFhapi to hear dat.. *

mamit2 9.01.10 - 06:56am
Actually men are like that who never setiesfied 4m women if they hv wife also they need other women coz it is them bith habit...it is bed 4 gud men *

mombasa9 9.01.10 - 08:08am
It is not only men who have extra marital affairs. Even women do that. Hw can u explain 2 ur kids and huby if the other kid looks different from the rest of the kids? *

adlims40 9.01.10 - 08:40am
nod.GIFi agree m0mbasa.. *

adlims40 9.01.10 - 08:41am
Atlis hav fear to G0d.. *

adlims40 9.01.10 - 08:46am
Mare mamit,8s ur habit!rmembrd u kip on telin me st0ry nd we alwez l0l..haha..im s0ri i had exp0sed ur habit.peace..laugh.GIF *

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