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Subject: why echonomy slowdown
Replies: 13 Views: 556

nilmayur 12.12.09 - 06:31am
nil *

adlims40 12.12.09 - 11:55am
0h my G0d im very p0or b0ut ec0n0mic nd hist0ry bt il try to ans.dis..wel bec.of unc0ntr0l increase of p0pulati0n,s0me g0vernment c0rrupti0n,greedy,lack of educati0n due to p0verty,SO WISH ND PRAY TH0SE WEALTHY PIP0L CN SHARE S0ME HELP TO LIFT UP TH0Se Hu r in nid.sumtin to eat is a big help to d0s ppl hu cn aff0rd 0ne meal a day 0nly..u cn send me to0.hahaha! *

jvttians 13.12.09 - 11:32am
0ne great reas0n of ec0n0mic sl0wd0wn are diff.calamities. *

noor70 13.12.09 - 04:27pm
i am nt agree wd both of you .the main reson that the money gon to b in few hands.so who wl buy .its part of capitalism systm .evry 20 to 30 year impirialism wl hav the same prob .earth resources enough to 20 or 30bilion human .if the rich money spend to devlope ths resourse .il giv example sudan nw buy the needs frm out side i thnk the population thr nt over 25 milion .the lands thr enough to 300milion human .the needd money go to wars .and to pocket of few pple . *

adlims40 13.12.09 - 04:56pm
0k dats wat ur p0int of veiws..tanx 4 d reply..4me all p0std replied so far abs0lutely right. *

laptoppc 15.12.09 - 07:17pm
economy slowdown realy?whre? *

gentle34 12.01.10 - 05:22am
Big banks gave big loans 2 companies without verifying their payback capacity. Banks gt ruined n start chain reaction. Less money in market so no new projects,no fresh orders, job layoffs. . . *

adlims40 12.01.10 - 06:01am
nod.GIFyeah dats 0ne reas0n. *

adlims40 12.01.10 - 06:03am
Gentle wat do u thnk d p0sible way to uplift the ec0n0my? *

gentle34 14.01.10 - 07:13am
I dnt kno realy. Wish i knew. . . *

libramcm 14.01.10 - 11:08am
Maybe wealthy pip0l share s0me amt.to the indigent or p0or pip0l..bt they must gve directly to d needy. *

unquiet1 16.01.10 - 11:28am
its because money is not worth the paper its printed on. money is suppose to be back by gold. here in south africa, long ago you would be able to go to the bank with 20bucks and ask for your gold for that 20bucks. and they would give you. but then they stopped giving gold. now the money isnt back with gold at all! and many now with the worker money being worthless the economy could crumble and fall apart easily. this together with wot the guy said about the most money being in only a few ppls hands led to the economy to get messed *

complone 11.02.10 - 07:37pm
Because we never become one in our minds, love and united. *

adlims40 11.02.10 - 08:15pm
Nd dat cud never be happen @c0mpl0ne..bt u r ryt. *

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