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Subject: lonely&loneliness
Replies: 13 Views: 414

wat00 4.12.09 - 02:57pm
lonely is a flaw depressed.GIF *

adlims40 4.12.09 - 03:18pm
daydream.GIFif im l0nely il jus think b0ut my mr.dreamb0y..twilight.GIF *

nilmayur 12.12.09 - 06:33am
u fufil his all desire may be c*m on track *

emyadlim 12.12.09 - 08:47am
Fulfil al his desires?4me i cn gve wat makes him hapi n0t only on financial matter c0z im realy in nid to0..i wish i cud find al0ng d way so i cud fulfil his wish.bt 8s to0 late i gave up c0z 8s n0t valid reas0n to test me on m0ney matter. *

wat00 19.12.09 - 11:40am
if i dnt get lucky to get money or to get good friends or getting wht i want to do i become x x x *

emyadlim 20.12.09 - 03:12pm
Further pls,i didnt get ur p0int.wat do u mean? *

wat00 20.12.09 - 07:08pm
ppl who dnt recieves love from any girls and dnt have girl friend,sometime he takes courage to make new meeting but nothing... HOW THIS MAN WILL BE ? *

gentle34 11.01.10 - 09:30am
I never feel lonely coz i like being wid myslf n like my company, think bout my most cherished moments in life. *

adlims40 11.01.10 - 01:54pm
So u openminded nd hapi pers0n.. *

adlims40 11.01.10 - 01:57pm
Actualy sadness cnt do n0thn..cnt help us.so alwez smile..gud 4heart nd kip us y0ung.l0l. *

gentle34 12.01.10 - 04:17am
Lol. . . Smile n u'll be lonely no longer provided u cn kill wid ur smile *

adlims40 12.01.10 - 05:58am
grin4.GIFhehehe. *

guru76 13.01.10 - 11:09am
I wish dat emy get her bf . . So her al problem solved *

adlims40 13.01.10 - 11:27am
W0w,i missed u granpa guru.tanx u visited in r gr0up..frens are en0ugh c0z 4me frens are wealth..GDBLES.hug.GIF *

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