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Subject: Jesus - The Greater Moses
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unquiet1 4.12.09 - 02:18pm
John and the other three gospel writers point to Moses, David and Solomon as men who foreshadowed Jesus as Gods anointed one and designated king. In wot way did those ancient servants of god provide foregleams of Jesus, and wot can 1 learn from these accounts....? 1st lets compare Jesus with Moses. In brief the bible tells up that Moses was a prophet, mediator and a deliverer. *

unquiet1 4.12.09 - 02:19pm
Shortly after Pentecost 33 Ce the apostle Peter quoted a prophecy by Moses that was fulfilled in Jesus Christ. Peter was standing in front of a crowd o worshippers in the temple. The ppl were surprised out of their wits when peter and john healed a beggar who was lame from birth, and they all ran to investigate. Peter explained that this astonishing act was a result of gods Holy Spirit operating thru Jesus Christ. Then he quoted from the Hebrew Scriptures he said: in fact Moses said, 'God will raise up for you from among your brothers a prophet like me. You must listen to all the things he speaks to you.' Acts 3:11, 22, 23 also read Deuteronomy 18:15-19
Those words of Moses were likely familiar to peters audience. As Jews, they had a high regard for Moses. And with keen anti tion they looked forward to the coming of a prophet greater than Moses.

unquiet1 4.12.09 - 02:19pm
Some similarities between Jesus and Moses... *

unquiet1 4.12.09 - 02:21pm
As babies both Moses and Jesus escaped death at the hands of a tyrannical ruler. (Exodus 1:22-2:10 and Matthew 2:7-14) they were both called out of Egypt (hosea11:1) Hosea's words referred not only to a past event but also to a future one. his words were a prophecy that was fulfilled when Joseph and Mary returned from Egypt with Jesus after the death of king Herod.(matthew2:15-23) both Moses and Jesus performed miracles involving water... the Nile and its pools became blood; the red sea was parted water came gushing out of a rock in the desert. Moses was the 1st human on record to perform miracles(exodus4:1-9) Jesus too performed miracles involving water, in fact his 1st miracle was turning water into wine at a wedding feast(john 2:1-11) later he calmed the turbulent sea of Galilee and even walked on water. (matthew8:23-27 and 14:23-25) *

unquiet1 4.12.09 - 02:22pm
More similarities... *

unquiet1 4.12.09 - 02:22pm
1.They both left behind high positions for the sake of serving God and his ppl. (2nd Corinthians 8:9 and Philippians 2:5-8 and Hebrews 11:24-26)
2.They both came in the name of God (exodus3:13-16 and john 5:43 and 17:4, 6, 26)
3.They both displayed meekness (numbers 12:3 and matt 11: 28-30)
4.Both were involved in feeding multitudes (exodus16:12, john 6:48-51)
5.Both serves as judge and as lawgiver (exodus 18:13, Malachi 4:4, john 5:22-23, 15:10)
6.Both were entrusted with headship over Gods house (numbers 12:7, Hebrews 3:2-6)
7.Both are described as faithful witnesses of god (Hebrews 11:24-29, 12:1, revelations 1:15)
8.After the death of Moses and Jesus God disposed of their bodies. (Deuteronomy 34:5-6, Luke 24:1-3, acts 2:31, 1 Corinthians 15:50, Jude 9)

unquiet1 4.12.09 - 02:22pm
Appreciate Christ as a prophet..... *

unquiet1 4.12.09 - 02:23pm
Most people think of a prophet as someone who foretells the future, but that is only part of a prophet's responsibility. A true prophet is an inspired spokesman for God, one who proclaims the magnificent things of God. (Acts 2:11, 16, 17) Among other things, his prophesying could include announcing future events, revealing aspects of God's purpose, or proclaiming God's judgments. Moses was such a prophet. He foretold each of the Ten Plagues that befell Egypt. He introduced the Law covenant at Sinai. And he instructed the nation in God's will. Yet, a prophet greater than Moses was to come eventually. Later, in the first century, Zechariah acted as a prophet in revealing God's purpose regarding his son, John. (Luke 1:76) That son became John the Baptizer, who announced the coming of the long-awaited prophet greater than Moses Jesus Christ. (John 1:23-36) As a prophet, Jesus foretold many things. For example, he spoke about his own death, foretelling how he would die, where he would die, and at whose hands he would die. (Matt. 20:17-19) To the surprise of his listeners, Jesus also foretold the destruction of Jerusalem with its temple. (Mark 13:
1, 2) His prophecies reach right down to our own time.Matt. 24:3-41.

unquiet1 4.12.09 - 02:23pm
In addition to being a prophet, Jesus was a preacher and a teacher. He preached the good news of God's Kingdom, and no one spoke with greater boldness than he did. (Luke 4:16-21, 43) As a teacher, he had no equal. Never has another man spoken like this, said some who heard him. (John 7:46) Jesus was zealous in his efforts to spread the good news, and he inspired his followers with that same zeal for the Kingdom.
Thus, he laid the foundation for a global preaching and teaching campaign that is still continuing. (Matt. 28:18-20; Acts 5:42) Last year, some seven million of Christ's followers spent about 1,500,000,000 hours in preaching the good news of the Kingdom and teaching interested ones Bible truths. Do you have a meaningful share in that work?
13 There is no question that God fulfilled the prophecy to raise up a prophet like Moses. How does that knowledge affect you? Does it give you more confidence in the fulfillment of inspired prophecies that have to do with our immediate future? Yes, meditating on the example of the Greater Moses moves us to stay awake and keep our senses as to what God will soon do.1 Thess. 5:2, 6.

unquiet1 4.12.09 - 02:24pm
Value Christ as Mediator... *

unquiet1 4.12.09 - 02:24pm
Like Moses, Jesus was a mediator. A mediator acts as a bridge between two parties. Moses mediated the Law covenant between God and the Israelites. If the sons of Jacob obeyed the laws of God, they would remain God's special property, his congregation. (Ex. 19:3-8) That covenant stayed in force from 1513 B.C.E. until the first century C.E. *

unquiet1 4.12.09 - 02:25pm
In 33 C.E., God initiated a better covenant with a new Israel, the Israel of God, which became a worldwide congregation made up of anointed Christians. (Gal. 6:16) While the covenant mediated by Moses included laws written by God on stone, the covenant mediated by Jesus is superior. Its laws are inscribed by God on human hearts. (Read 1 Timothy 2:5; Hebrews 8:10.) Thus, the Israel of God is now God's special property, 'a nation producing the fruits' of the Messianic Kingdom. (Matt. 21:43) Members of that spiritual nation are the parti nts in that new covenant. Still, they are not the only ones to benefit from it. Untold multitudes, even many who at present are asleep in death, will receive everlasting blessings because of that superlative covenant. *

unquiet1 4.12.09 - 02:26pm
Esteem Christ as Deliverer.... *

unquiet1 4.12.09 - 02:26pm
on their last night before the Exodus, some of the offspring of Israel were in grave danger. Soon, God's angel would pass through the land of Egypt, killing all the firstborn. God told Moses that the firstborn of Israel would be saved if the Israelites took the blood of the Passover lamb and sprinkled it on the lintels and doorposts of their doorways. (Ex. 12:1-13, 21-23) So it proved to be. Later, the whole nation was in serious danger. They were trapped between the Red Sea and the pursuing Egyptian war chariots. God again provided deliverance through Moses, who miraculously parted the waters of that sea.-Ex. 14:13, 21. *

unquiet1 4.12.09 - 02:27pm
Great as those acts of deliverance were, the deliverance God performed through Jesus is much greater. Jesus is the means by which obedient ones are delivered from slavery to sin. (Rom. 5:12, 18) And that deliverance is an everlasting deliverance. (Heb. 9: 11, 12) The name Jesus means God Is Salvation. Jesus, as our Deliverer, or Savior, not only rescues us from our past sins but also opens the way for us to enjoy a better future. By delivering them from slavery to sin, Jesus saves his followers from the wrath of God and brings them into a loving relationship with God.Matthew 1:21. *

unquiet1 4.12.09 - 02:27pm
The deliverance from sin that Jesus provides will in due time include freedom from its grim effectssickness and even death. To visualize what that will mean, consider what happened when Jesus went to the home of a certain man named Jairus, whose 12-year-old daughter had died. Jesus reassured Jairus: Have no fear, only put forth faith, and she will be saved. (Luke 8:41, 42, 49, 50) True to his words, the girl rose from the dead! Can you imagine the joy of her parents? Then you have an idea of the surpassing joy that will be ours when all those in the memorial tombs will hear [Jesus'] voice and come out in the resurrection. (John 5:28, 29) Truly, Jesus is a Savior, our Deliverer!Read Acts 5:31; Titus 1:4; Revelation *

unquiet1 4.12.09 - 02:28pm
Knowing that we can be instrumental in helping people to benefit from Jesus' saving acts impels us to share in the preaching and teaching work. (Isa. 61:1-3) Further, meditating on Jesus' role as the Greater Moses deepens our confidence that he will deliver his followers when he comes to execute judgment upon the wicked.Matt. 25:31-34, 41, 46; Rev. 7:9,14.
Yes, Jesus is the Greater Moses. He did many marvelous things that Moses could never have done. Jesus' words as a prophet and his actions as a mediator affect the entire human family. As a Deliverer, Jesus brings not temporary but eternal salvation for redeemable mankind.

adlims40 7.12.09 - 12:20pm
JESUS IS D ONLY BEG0TEN S0N OF G0D,called beg0tten s0n cause he was made thr0ugh d p0wer of G0d in behalf of Mary's w0mb..Mary kn0wn as sterile or cnt bear a child so she was used by G0d as instrument to pr0ve His p0wer.. *

adlims40 7.12.09 - 12:36pm
Dats An0ther pr00f dat Jesus is n0t G0d..bt he is our savi0r,mediat0r betwen G0d nd pp0l..JESUS is d way to attain salvati0n..by means of entering to his church which he is d head nd his church is his b0dy(members)..churc called Church of Christ w/c u cn read in Acts 20:28 lamsa translati0n.. *

adlims40 7.12.09 - 12:52pm
Ap0stle attest thus Jesus is d way J0hn 10:9 i am the door,any0ne who c0mes into the f0ld thr0ugh me wil be safe..DIS verse pr0ve dat we nid to enter into d f0ld or fl0ck which we cn read which is dis church in Acts 20:28 *

adlims40 7.12.09 - 12:58pm
ACTS 20:28(lamsa translati0n) thus..Take heed theref0re to y0urselves and to all the fl0ck over which the H0ly Spirit has app0inted u overseers,to feed the Church of Christ which he has purchased with his bl0od.. S0 HERE THE CHURCH THAT BEL0NGS TO G0D THR0UGH CHRIST IS D CHURCH OF CHRIST.. *

adlims40 7.12.09 - 01:05pm
Bible gaves specific name of church which is d Church of Christ..false preachers skiping dat verse Acts 20:28 cause it wil c0ntradict to their manmade religi0n..name of church al0ne can pr0ve d true church..I WR0TE DIS nd P0sted it bt u nid to read,study nd an*lyze verses j0hn 10:9 nd Acts 20:28(lamsa translati0n).. *

adlims40 7.12.09 - 01:28pm
Yea u r ryt.JESUS IS D GREATEST 0f al human nd evn the ap0stles..HE set in d ryt side of G0d..nd He wil descend 0n earth wen judgement day c0mes to save his church members..HE wil bring wid him his pip0l nd rise to heaven..c0z pip0l hu wil n0t be save wil stay nd remain 0n earth nd wil be punish in d lake of fire. *

unquiet1 8.12.09 - 11:16pm
hmmm you would go to any church that calls themselves church of christ...? even though they teach false trinity doctrines that arent in the bible. and they bend the rules of the bible and not teach ALL the rules of the bible....? *

adlims40 8.12.09 - 11:31pm
All over the w0rld there is only one existing Church of Christ..since july 27,1916 hu celebrated its 95th aniversary last july 27,09..all teachings in dis church all based on wat is writen n d bible n0 m0re n0 less. *

unquiet1 9.12.09 - 12:22am
there are so0o many churches here in sa and all over the world who call themselves church of Christ but dont follow in Jesus' footsteps. some teach that Jesus is God. they do not sanctify Gods personal name as this is wot Jesus said we should pray for in Matthew 6:9... they dont go around spreading the good news and telling ppl about Gods kingdom as Jesus instructs in Matthew 24:14 and Matthew 28:19.... some allow gay marriages.... and allow s*x between unmarried ppl.... and even allow gay women priests!! and guess wot... they call themselves church of Christ.

now tell me, would Jesus still consider those his little flock....? *

adlims40 9.12.09 - 12:32am
Alm0st all churches claims dat Jesus is their savi0r,bt there churches name n0t all same as specific as Church of Christ..JESUS 0nly acept his members of fl0ck or church th0se only hu bel0ngs in d church called Church of Christ. *

adlims40 9.12.09 - 12:39am
I t0ld u in this church. .d teachings bein preach are exactly frm d bible..so wat u read dat u knew is right is in dis church.. *

adlims40 9.12.09 - 12:44am
Wat i am refering to u is dat d name of the church..0r registered name of d church is Church of Christ.h0pe ul get my p0int here.. *

unquiet1 9.12.09 - 01:07am
oh by the way, the latter part of Acts 20:28 reads ...to shepherd the congregation of God which he purchased with the blood of his own Son in both my New World Translation and my King James bible. this makes sense as we're now able to communicatepray.GIF with God thanks to Jesus' ransom sacrifice. and exercising faith through the ransom sacrifice we're able to gain everlasting life in a paradise as just as God wanted us to in the begining. and if you read Isaiah 43:10-12 you'l see that it goes in line with the congregation of God idea. and throughout the Hebrew scriptures its always been Gods congregation. while church of Christ is not entirely wrong. i feel here in in ACTS 20:28 its been put in such a way where it can only be misapplied hence the now ppl are looking for the name of the correct congregation instead of correct teachings. *

unquiet1 9.12.09 - 01:16am
k i dont know how that clipart got into my last reply.

but anyway i dont like to point fingers but i must ask...Does Church of Christ sanctify and honour Gods name....? does Church of Christ go out to minister and tell ppl about Gods kingdom....? *

unquiet1 9.12.09 - 01:30am
those are just two of the important teachings Jesus said we should do. and shouldn Church of Christ be doing the same...? *

adlims40 9.12.09 - 07:29am
I swear to G0d. .YES!!! *

unquiet1 9.12.09 - 08:20am
swear to God....? *

adlims40 9.12.09 - 10:09am
Yes..swear to G0d im telin d truth...why u dnt believe,then why?haha. *

unquiet1 9.12.09 - 10:30am
talking about honouring Gods name. *

unquiet1 9.12.09 - 10:34am
you were taught how to pray ...hallowed be thy name....
Gods name, should be honoured. *

adlims40 9.12.09 - 11:21am
0fc0urse it is a must,to h0n0red G0d's name..bt since Jesus is 0ur savi0r nd r mediat0r to G0d..we says lyk dis at d end of the prayer dat it sh0uld be il ask evrythng thru Jesus name..AMEN..C0Z JESUS WIL mediate our prayers to G0d.. *

unquiet1 9.12.09 - 12:40pm
do you know wot Gods name is....? *

adlims40 9.12.09 - 02:05pm
As i kn0w G0d is d Almighty Father OF JESUS ND ALL HUMAN.HE IS SPIRIT,CREAT0R OF EVRYTHNG ON EARTH ND HEAVEN..pip0l of G0d b4 nd in bible calls Him with dif.names as Alah,yahwe,bt G0d has n0 specific name..evn Jesus used to called Him by Father..F0R JESUS yea I BELEV HE HAs name.hehe. *

unquiet1 9.12.09 - 02:23pm
in Matthew 6:9 we are told to sanctify Gods name... so therefor God has a specific name. *

unquiet1 9.12.09 - 02:25pm
With so many false gods out there, God would have told his ppl his name.. *

adlims40 9.12.09 - 02:33pm
0k wat is it..kn0w wat its better t0pic lyk dis must be in wap f0rum.so l0ts of ideas u wil learn to c0mpare to other..0k then tel me wat is it.hehe.c0ol! *

unquiet1 9.12.09 - 02:35pm
im not familiar with the lamsa translation but if you hav a look at the preface of your bible. it tells you wot Gods personal name is and it tells you that its been replaced by LORD in all capital letters. and if you look at Psalm 8:1 it says ... O LORD, our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth!.....
now you notice the 1st LORD is all capitals and the 2nd lord only has L as capital. thats because some bible translators removed Gods name from the bible. *

unquiet1 9.12.09 - 02:37pm
if you read your bible you'l see that Jesus is also reffered to as lord. thats because lord is a title and where Jesus is reffered to as lord only the L is a capital. but where Gods name is suppose to be theres LORD with all caps. *

unquiet1 9.12.09 - 02:42pm
most ppl never study their bible so they never realise that Gods name has been taken out. and even though they pray every morning.... hallowed be thy name .. they dont even know wot His name is... *

adlims40 9.12.09 - 02:55pm
heya,L0RD,G0D,FATHER,ALAH,YAHWEH..AL DAT MEANS SAME F0r Calling 0r refering to THE CREAT0R..n0w il chalenge u lets m0ve dis t0pic to wap f0rum religi0n nd belief..dis wud be h0t t0pic there.0k!DEAL? *

adlims40 9.12.09 - 03:06pm
Fren,wat ever N0b0dy wil be as Great as Jesus..so 4me n0 nid to c0mpare Jesus to any pr0phets..c0z Jesus is n0t in d ryt side of G0d f he is n0t suitable to take dat place..he deserves dat place to be d Great am0ng Creati0ns 0r pip0l of G0d so n0 0ne can c0mpare to him nd do acept dat by hart..M0ISES WAS AN INSTRUMENT OF G0D to preached nd perf0rmed miracles bt he is n0thn to Jesus.0k? *

unquiet1 9.12.09 - 03:25pm
Lord is just a title. a dog is a dog. but its still has a name. in the same regard God is God. and he's our father but he still has a name that he wants us to sanctify. and you know that it is YAHWEH. *

unquiet1 9.12.09 - 03:33pm
you wanted me to post a topic in your group now you saying i must rather post it in the main forum... *

adlims40 9.12.09 - 03:41pm
Yea im enc0uraging u..c0z i kn0w u cn..hav self c0nfidence..am n0t giving up to reply in our dicussi0ns bt u try to p0st also on wap f0rum in ordr 4u to c0mpare it n diff.ideas..c0z i t0t u nd me am0ng dis grp is ntrestd b0ut religi0n bt in f0rum alm0st 0l of dem r religi0us to0..im n0t insisting u to m0ve d t0pic 4u to fail bt to gain m0re ideas.. *

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