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Subject: L0VE ND CARE..
Replies: 22 Views: 647

adlims40 4.11.09 - 05:43am
The best ways to sh0w our l0ve nd care to 0ur l0ve one..do write as many as u can!!! *

adlims40 4.11.09 - 06:02am
4me m0st m4tant is time..atlis try to kip n t0uch evn in r busy h0urs.a simple hi ilvu swety makes evry1 hapi..ryt?l0l..2nd is remind him/her to av meal atlis 30mins b4 d tym..3rd is dnt 4get 2gve simple gift during her/his bday..or atlis try to treat him/her in a r0mantic place.hahaha.. *

redace 4.11.09 - 06:07am
kiss and say i love u *

adlims40 4.11.09 - 06:51am
Hmmm dats great red..sure ur gf wil lyk it.. *

amisexy 4.11.09 - 01:50pm
love nd care waw nice..
love need care..and also ur love1 alwys want 4m u that u can care abut her or him ...
love also want respect if u respect ur love and ur lover so u can achive d 1st and most important stage of careness.if u tell ur lover 'take cre beby' that just u mentain cursy or habit but if u serius abut his or har ltl bit things so u make her more happy..
i remember my x gf alwys cheke my walet when m going outer, my office or market..if not saficeant money in my walet she alwys fill my walet wid her perse...so 4 dat i feel happy..hahaha ..so take cre ur love n love1... *

adlims40 4.11.09 - 05:20pm
hehe.GIFso funy amis*xy b0y! *

tom_joe 13.11.09 - 02:38pm
This s a nice topic, i like it so much! *

tom_joe 13.11.09 - 02:42pm
This s one of the ingredients for a perfect marriage. *

adlims40 13.11.09 - 04:03pm
Tanx kuya t0m..hug.GIF *

rahull38 20.11.09 - 05:58pm
U usd my idea 2 show our lve & care to our love one like dat..whn my wife gave a birth of my child..i gve her 9dozen roses seperately deliverd to her one hour a part, on the last one, i wrote that each dozen of roses for each month that my wife carried a baby of mine... *

adlims40 20.11.09 - 07:59pm
W0w w0w w0w rahul(sanjay)...dats realy great!!!kip it up..i admire u 4dat..Gbu nd ur fmly as wel..happy.GIFso glad there's sum1 lyk u,ur wife must be pr0ud of u... *

sime5 4.12.09 - 06:28am
wana give fl0wer evrydayrose.GIF *

wat00 4.12.09 - 03:15pm
love is wht everybody need and have to caring that because essential of our life... *

adlims40 4.12.09 - 03:36pm
right.GIFSo in wat way do u sh0w ur l0ve nd cre dats wat im askin..pls write i wana kn0w nd get an idea. *

jvttians 23.12.09 - 01:02pm
Make a ph0ne call evn jus a minute or sec0nds or m0bile sms to say hi ilv u h0ney evn in busy h0urs..rose.GIF *

saibi 9.01.10 - 09:02pm
Take Care Of Ur Loved One's N SHow Them By Ur Attitude Nd Not By Words Tat Thy R Imp 4 U .... *

mombasa9 10.01.10 - 10:23am
When she gets home.help her take her coat off. Hold her by the waist and kiss her. Tell her how much u missed her. Lead her 2 a couch and massage her feet tell her sweet words. Order 4 a pizza home delivery and if she wants it there give it 2 her and b sure 2 make her late 4 breakfast. *

adlims40 10.01.10 - 02:05pm
Saibi..dats great,deeds w0rthy dan speaking with0ut acti0n..w0w.nyc man.. *

adlims40 10.01.10 - 02:13pm
M0mbasa..w0w realy2 great.kip it up.ur wife is so lucky f0r u r so sweet nd caring guy..dat quality is a w0man's desires..i havent experience dat kind of cares..l0l..0ws im inlv wen i heard sumtin lyk dat.i missed my swety.l0l.hehe.GIF *

mombasa9 10.01.10 - 05:16pm
Am single but am hoping 2 find the right woman 4 me and my kids. But 2 show that u realy care u have 2 sacrifice alot. *

adlims40 10.01.10 - 08:51pm
Yeah,u r ryt m0mba..may G0d gve u ryt w0man in due tym.GDBLES.pray.GIF *

mombasa9 11.01.10 - 05:33am
Thank u and God bless u too. U r so kind. *

adlims40 11.01.10 - 05:41am
Tanx so much fren.. *

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